Always the Right Software Package for your Immission Forecasting Task

IMMI covers a very wide range of applications – from simple immission prognoses for issues around neighborhood noise to strategic noise mapping of entire countries. Depending on the parameter to be assessed and the country-specific regulations to be applied, the user will find the required range of functions. In order to be able to put together the best and most cost-effective package for each user, IMMI can be assembled in a modular system.

The Basic Idea of Our Concept – Choose Your Individual Equipment!

The IMMI program consists of the base module, the element libraries (guidelines) and additional features. Depending on your field of activity, select the corresponding base module and the required guidelines to put together your individual equipment.


IMMI is available in four basic modules of different sizes

1 Element library


IMMI Basic

... is the cost-effective solution for those who need calculations with high accuracy and complete documentation of input and output data. The number of obstacles is limited to 200. However, the accuracy of the calculation and the completeness of the documentation do not differ from the following basic modules.

2 Element libraries


IMMI Standard

... is the convenient entry into the world of immission forecasting.  The standard version allows the easy processing of a large number of projects at an extremely favorable price-performance ratio. With the limitation to 1,000 obstacles, up to 500,000 diffraction edges can be calculated in one project. The addition of further performance features enables an additional increase in productivity.


3 Element libraries



... is the universal program package with which almost all projects can be calculated, evaluated and presented. For this purpose, IMMI Plus offers a variety of options that support the user in their work in an optimal way. With 3,000 obstacles, up to 1,500,000 diffraction edges can be successfully calculated in one project.

3 Element libraries
+ Calculator


IMMI Premium

... is the professional tool for creating large area noise maps with an excellent price/performance ratio. The equipment leaves nothing to be desired and is specially designed for the management of large amounts of data. This package knows no limits in the number of elements or obstacles and additionally includes the options for distributed and segmented computing in the network.

Element libraries








Do you need help in selecting the base module?

Together we will quickly find out exactly what you need – we will be happy to put together an individualized package for you.


After selecting the basic package and the required guidelines, a selection of specific functions rounds off your equipment package

Every function has its history – be it a weakness of a developer for map services and coordinate systems, a big project that needed a special function or an exchange of ideas between hotline caller and IMMI support that finally led to a renewal. In all these years, we have always sought proximity to our customers and used their suggestions and feedback as a motor for new developments.

With the user-friendly program functions of IMMI, your projects can be carried out in a targeted manner from the initial input of data to the complete output and documentation of the results.

Project work and data management

  • Professional tools and numerous data interfaces (DXF, QSI, ArcGIS (shape), ASCII) support you in entering geometric and attribute data 
  • Project-oriented work in a user-friendly graphical interface with GIS functionality 
  • Support of all European coordinate systems (UTM, Gauss-Krüger, ...) for georeferencing and coordinate transformation 

  • Definition of variants for the calculation of case studies/scenarios/planning variants 

  • Element database with display of geometric and attribute data 
  • Numerous editing functions (single or multiple elements) to delete, change, copy, paste, split
  • Design aids and macros: Insert a dam or a cross-cut, generate immission points automatically, transform elements, cut contour lines, generate kilometer lines, circular buildings and parallel elements 
  • Thematic maps for graphical representation and verification of input data, e.g. display of building heights, inhabitants per building, display of the terrain model, classification of areas of use, etc.

  • Databases for sound emissions, sound insulation and sound absorption measurements as well as annual meteorological statistics and time series 
  • Macro for generating 3D structures, e.g. buildings with sound reflecting walls for industrial noise calculations 
  • Multiple reflection up to the 50th order 
  • Input and calculation of linear or A-weighted sum, octave or third octave levels 
  • Room conditions according to EN 12354-4 

  • Plausibility and geometry checks, clear lists of all entered data and graphic functions are available for checking the input data
  • Conformity to DIN 45687 – Fulfilment of test tasks
  • Estimation of the inaccuracy of the results with optimized calculation models 

The calculation of single points, immission grids or façadelevels can be carried out easily, sophisticated algorithms ensure short calculation times.


  • Calculation according to reference (strictly according to guideline) and optimized calculation model 
  • Automatic decomposition of line and area sound sources 
  • Compliance with the distance criteria specific to the regulations 

  • Central administration of all calculations at single points, in the grid or at façade points
  • Support of multicore computers – for segmented and distributed calculation in the network 
  • Single point, raster, façadelevel calculation and all project variants in one calculation run – Automatic calculation jobs by means of batch job control
  • Integrated management and registration of the calculated results 

Results are stored in lists with different levels of detail:

  • Short lists: Overview of immission levels and assessment levels for all assessment periods
  • Medium lists: contribution of each individual sound source to the total immission level, identification of main noise sources and frequency components 
  • Long lists: detailed, verifiable compilation of all influencing variables, intermediate and final results

  • Simultaneous calculation of all assessment periods (day, evening, night, rest, ...)
  • Up to one billion calculation points 
  • Powerful functions for post-processing, combination and evaluation 

Documentation and presentation

The Report Manager function provides the user with a powerful tool to design printouts and reports individually and is extremely versatile. The complete, auditable documentation and the impressive presentation of the calculation results are among the strengths of the IMMI software.

  • Predefined paper formats and page layouts (from A4 to A0 in portrait and landscape format) or individual formats
  • Various layout components for the individual structure of your printout: plan/grid, text, graphics, color legend, element legend, header and footer
  • Use of individually compiled text fields and plan sections 
  • Parallel output of all dot, façade and grid results 

With two powerful 3D viewers you can view any project in 3D:

  • Profile sections, screenshots and automatic departure of line elements 
  • Graphical symbols for roads, vegetation, traffic lights and vehicles
  • Transparency of elements 
  • Display of calculation results (single points and grid)

IMMI supports the exchange of data with various data sources. Choose between the import of background images, DXF or ASCII data or use interfaces to geo information systems like ArcGIS. With the free data interface OpenStreetMap, which is included in the basic module, projects can be created very quickly.  

  • DXF (e.g. from AutoCAD)
  • ArcGIS (.dbf, .shp, .shx) / ArcGIS Grid (binary and ASCII)
  • QSI (.qsi - .dbf, .shp, .shx) – data exchange according to DIN 45687 sheet 1 – acoustics – software products for the calculation of outdoor noise immissions QSI data format and QSI model file
  • Numerous map servers, including Open Street Map, MapBox, OpenTopoMap, CityGML, WMS servers from the individual federal states 
  • more than 30 different graphic formats 

Please contact me personally


I am happy to support you with questions concerning the functionalities and application areas of IMMI – before purchase, during implementation and in daily use.