IMMI – We Provide Service
We support you in all questions concerning noise immission protection
- You need support in modeling?
- You have an exciting tender for a noise mapping project, but you need support in the processing?
- Your computing capacities are not sufficient?
- You like our IMMI software and you would like to have additional functionality implemented as a tailored solution?
Immission control has been one of our core competences for decades. For the topics noise, air pollutants and vibrations, Wölfel provides you with experts who have acquired valuable knowledge over the years and gained extensive project experience.
We act as consultants and experts and are accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. We work nationwide as a measuring point announced according to § 29b BImSchG for the determination of vibrations as well as of emissions and immissions through noise. We also carry out quality tests according to DIN 4109. Wölfel Engineering is certified as a VMPA sound insulation test center.
In addition, the IMMI development team is very flexible when it comes to meeting customer-specific requirements. You can trust that your project will be successfully completed with competent partners.
Please contact me personally
I am happy to support you with questions concerning the functionalities and application areas of IMMI – before purchase, during implementation and in daily use.