ISO 9613-2, SRM2, XP S 31-133, CRTN, CNOSSOS-EU ... IMMI has implemented all relevant guidelines and standards

Quality assured noise propagation calculations with IMMI 

Depending on the type of noise and country-specific legal requirements, dispersion calculations must be carried out based on defined standards and guidelines. IMMI supports all relevant calculation guidelines, which can be added to the basic module as element libraries.

CNOSSOS Straße (EU) / RICHTLINIE (EU) 2021/1226 
NF S 31-133 (NMPB 2008) (F) 
RLS-19 (D) 
RLS-90 (D) 
VDI 3722 Bl. 2 (D) 
Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm von bodennahen Quellen (Straßen, Schienenwege, Industrie und Gewerbe) (BUB) (D) 
RVS 04.02.11 (A) 
sonROAD18 (CH) 
StL-86 (CH) 
XP S 31-133 (F) (Guide du bruit 1980) 
Ut2-1.302:2000, MSZ07-2904:1990, MSZ15036:2002 (HU) 

ABNT NBR 10151:2019-05-31 (Acoustics - Measurement and evaluation of sound pressure levels in inhabited environments - Application for general use)


ABNT NBR 15575-4:2021-09-29 (Residential buildings - Performance Part 4: Requirements for internal and external wall systems)


CNOSSOS Straße (EU) / RICHTLINIE (EU) 2021/1226 
NF S 31-133 (NMPB 2008) (F) 
RLS-19 (D) 
RLS-90 (D) 
VDI 3722 Bl. 2 (D) 
Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm von bodennahen Quellen (Straßen, Schienenwege, Industrie und Gewerbe) (BUB) (D) 
RVS 04.02.11 (A) 
sonROAD18 (CH) 
StL-86 (CH) 
XP S 31-133 (F) (Guide du bruit 1980) 
Ut2-1.302:2000, MSZ07-2904:1990, MSZ15036:2002 (HU) 

ABNT NBR 10151:2019-05-31 (Acoustics - Measurement and evaluation of sound pressure levels in inhabited environments - Application for general use)


ABNT NBR 15575-4:2021-09-29 (Residential buildings - Performance Part 4: Requirements for internal and external wall systems)


CNOSSOS Industrie (EU) / RICHTLINIE (EU) 2021/1226 
VDI 2571/2714/2720 (D) 
DIN 45691 (D) (included in basic module) 
VDI 3722 Bl. 2 (D) 
ISO 9613-2: 1996-12 und ISO 9613-2:2024-01 sowie DIN ISO 9613-2:1999-10 (D) 
Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm von bodennahen Quellen (Straßen, Schienenwege, Industrie und Gewerbe) (BUB) (D) 
ÖAL 28 (A) 
Handleidig Industrie (NL) 
BS5228 (UK) 

ABNT NBR 10151:2019-05-31 (Acoustics - Measurement and evaluation of sound pressure levels in inhabited environments - Application for general use)


ABNT NBR 15575-4:2021-09-29 (Residential buildings - Performance Part 4: Requirements for internal and external wall systems)


ECAC.CEAC.Doc.29 2nd edition (EU) 
ECAC.CEAC.Doc.29 3rd edition (EU) 
CNOSSOS Aircraft (EU) 
AzB 2008 mit AzD 2008 (D) 
Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm von Flugplätzen (BUF) und Datenbank für die Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm von Flugplätzen (BUF-D)  
DIN 45684-1 (D) 


AzB (HU) 


TA Luft 2021 (D) (Rechenkern AUSTAL)
Gauß-Fahnenmodell nach TA Luft 86 (D) – included in the basic module
VDI 3945 Bl. 3 (D) (Rechenkern AUSTAL2000)
ÖNORM M 9440 (A)

Please contact me personally


I am happy to support you with questions concerning the functionalities and application areas of IMMI – before purchase, during implementation and in daily use.

Denise Müller Foto

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Denise Müller